Oh, it's the new year again! Gosh, I've seen a lot of these, but I never get tired of celebrating the chance to say goodbye to the old and to wholeheartedly welcome the new! The New Year to me is starting again on a new slate. And who doesn't like that? Who doesn't want to forget about the mistakes, the roads not taken, the regrets, the goals not met. It isn't that I want to berate myself, I don't. I just simply look forward to a clean plate. I mean slate. Well, really I mean a full plate!
Read MoreBreakfast on a Northern Michigan Horse Farm ; Aunt Beryl's Amazing Blueberry Pancakes
giving away some secrets...
Read MoreMeadowlark's Modified French Peasant Beets Recipe
French peasant beets for and american patriot on the beginning of the 4th of July holiday! Yummy.
Read MoreRestaurant Week in Traverse City; The Boathouse
Every winter in Northern Michigan, when the snow is falling, the chill is in the air and it seems all too easy to hole up in your warm home, along comes a fabulous dining event called : Restaurant Week in Traverse City. During Restaurant Week, diners have the opportunity to try out new dining establishments for a set price of $25.00 for a three course dinner. Want to go to the Boathouse Restaurant, but find it a bit pricey? Go during restaurant week. That's what I did... here's a few pictures from this fabulous establishement on the Mission Penninsula.