I'm studying how to shoot pies; slices, whole pies, the richness of the crumb crust, the creaminess of the whip topping, the juicy fruit- heck, simple things too, like the overall angle on the slice. I want to show the top of the pie but also, the inside. The center is the "meat" ok- i should probably say "fruit" of the pie and it just has to look appealing and irresistible. What should I put the pie on? Plates can be very reflective and I'd rather not see be distracted by that. Maybe a doily would cut the reflections down. Burlap was suggested as a possible surface, and i just love how it disappears at the top of the frame on a well lit white table. So, then i thought about napkins. Could a napkin be a surface? And I love the lightness, but what could work about a rich dark wood surface?
I love pies. They are so all american! To me they say "HOME" and warm and comfort. I love that they are made with real fruit- grown here, in our warm sunshine and cool lake breezes.
They feel like richness to me and nourishment and comfort and mom all rolled into one!
I hadn't really considered all of the variations possible- and now that i've taken it on, well, i do see that there are lots of possibilities for pie.
Do you have any suggestions for me? I'd love to hear what you think?